What kind of problems can you help me with?
Anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, stress, and many other areas of mental and emotional difficulty!
We recognise that life can be difficult for all of us from time to time. We can help with these difficulties whether it is a temporary crisis or life transition, ongoing emotional distress, the aftermath of trauma, the stresses and growing pains of life or the wish for a more fulfilling everyday experience; OTS can help to find an appropriate, effective and affordable therapeutic route for you.
Whether there is a clear diagnosis (like stress, depression, anxiety, etc) or an unlabelled experience of emotional or mental pain, or just a ‘felt sense’ that 'things could be better'; whether it is an identified outer problem, a relationship difficulty or an inner sense of turmoil, confusion or emptiness, there are many more ways of addressing the psychological challenges of life than the average person knows about – OTS aims to make that accumulated richness of human understanding and wisdom available to everybody seeking help.
OTS have a wide range of counsellors and psychotherapists including those offering low cost counselling across the Oxford & Witney regions.
Information for Referring & Practicing Professionals
At OTS, we believe in maximum diversity and choice for clients and patients, and helping them make informed choices, with as little professional and self-serving bias as possible. In order to achieve this, we advocate transparent communication and co-operation between different services, agencies and disciplines. We support the increasing integration, cross-fertilisation and mutual understanding between different helping professions, and to this end offer specific resources and information about the different types and formats of counselling and psychotherapy to our colleagues across the various disciplines.
(Further Information)